Session Themes > Session 2 - Changes in porosity and transport properties due to flow

Conveners: C. Putnis, University of Münster / Curtin University and K.J. Maloy, University of Oslo

Keynote Speaker: Oliver Plümper, Utrecht University

Changes in porosity and  transport properties due  to flow.

In this session we will consider the interactions between flow and changes in the porosity and transport properties of porous materials, such as rocks, sediments and biominerals, as well as manufactured materials. Within the Earth aqueous fluids commonly react with minerals in rocks by an interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation mechanism with the resulting formation of porosity that allows for permeability within a previously solid rock and may significantly alter the strength of the rock. For soft or non-cohesive porous materials significant changes may be caused by deformation of the porous material due to the viscous stress of the fluid. Examples where this is important is fluid flow through pores in rocks, in granular materials, and in biological tissues like blood transport to the brain or lung or medical injection into tissues. Another important consideration for fluid transport is the change in porosity and hence permeability by the clogging of particles in porous media and the opposite process of release of particles.


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