Session Themes > Session 4 - Fluids, Fault Physics and Seismicity

Conveners: Einat Aharonov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Luis Rivera, Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, Guillaume Daniel, Magnitude

Keynote speakers:

Stephen Miller, University of Neuchatel,

Ziyadin Çakir, Technical University of Istanbul,


Session description: Fluids, Fault physics and seismicity

Fluids affect profoundly the behavior of faults, influencing both rupture and healing. Seismic activity observed in many man-induced and natural contexts has proved that fluid injection, extraction, and flow trigger (micro-) earthquakes.
With respect to fault rupture, fluid pore pressure controls the sensitivity of faults  to static and dynamic stress perturbations. It may also change the mode of rupture along individual fault segments, from aseismic to seismic character.
With respect to healing, fluids enhance fault healing by chemical and mechano-chemical fluid-mediated reactions (e.g. mineralogical transformations and pressure solution). Such reactions change the mechanical properties of the faults in various ways, and can weaken it (e.g. producing talc, serpentine, etc), or strengthen it (e.g. cement by pressure solution).

We welcome contributions presenting observations of fluid-related fault behaviors and more generally studies of the physics  of the relation between fluids, faults and seismicity.

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